Combining status and workflow_state

I am trying to combine “status” and “workflow_state” for Material request and modifying “status” with an indication that reflects both states.

I do find however, that this code only works if “docstatus” = 1
It does not work if “docstatus” = 0,2

frappe.listview_settings['Material Request'] = {
    add_fields: ['status', 'workflow_state', 'name'],
    get_indicator: function(doc) {
//        let combined_state = `${doc.workflow_state} / ${doc.status}`;
        let combined_state = '';
        let wf_state = '';

        if (doc.workflow_state == "Draft") {
            wf_state = "Drft";
        if (doc.workflow_state == "Approved") {
            wf_state = "Appd";
        if (doc.workflow_state == "Approval Pending by Stock Manager") {
            wf_state = "App Pend";
        if (doc.workflow_state == "Cancelled") {
            wf_state = "Cancl";
        let indicator_color = "grey";  // Default color

        if (doc.status == "Draft") {
            combined_state = wf_state +'/Draft';
            indicator_color = "orange";
        if (doc.status == "Pending") {
            combined_state = wf_state +'/Pend';
            indicator_color = "blue";
        if (doc.status == "Manufactured") {
            combined_state = wf_state +'/Manuf';
            indicator_color = "green";
        if (doc.status == "Cancelled") {
            combined_state = wf_state +'/Cancl';
            indicator_color = "orange";

        return [combined_state, indicator_color];
//    formatters : {
//        workflow_state(val) {
//            if (val == "Approved") {
//                return 'SUbm';
//            }
//        }
//    }

Is there a reason for this ?

Found the answer…

has_indicator_for_draft: true,

the document that I found does not mention “Cancelled” so I just guesed
that it would be similar for canceller…

has_indicator_for_cancelled: true,

and it worked