CommunicationComposer on frappe v13

On latest frappe version 13.12.1, I’ve realized some parameters has been changed in frappe.views.CommunicationComposer
Previously we pass the message to either message or content but now it seems it’s change to txt. Is this change intentional ?

Example of previous code

new frappe.views.CommunicationComposer({
                doc: doc,
                frm: cur_frm,
                subject: "Some title",
                recipients: recipientEmail,
                attach_document_print: false,
                message: "The message"

As my latest testing on this, the above code is not working (message is not passed to the dialog) but the one below does

new frappe.views.CommunicationComposer({
                doc: doc,
                frm: cur_frm,
                subject: "Some title",
                recipients: recipientEmail,
                attach_document_print: false,
                txt: "The message"

@rmehta @revant_one @netchampfaris

Please check this out!