Company Filter in multiple reports not working

Hey guys,

we are using frappe and erpnext in version 13.19.

We have set up 4 companies inside erpnext and set up multiple users inside those companies.
The users are restricted to only their company in “User Permission” and have only access to their own account.

The reports set the default filter to the default company that we can set in “Global Default”. Inside the script reports, the company filters are programmed with the default user company.

Every user has a default company set in their user’s account.
But the filter always sets the default site wide company instead of the user’s default. (even if we don’t set a site wide default inside “Global Defaults”)

I have searched through the discuss page here and through GitHub and found multiple discussions/bug reports, and it seems that this was fixed before.

Sadly, I can’t see that it is still working as it should.

Can you direct me in the right direction here?

Thanks in advance!
