container erpnext-one-configurator-1 service “configurator” didn’t complete successfully: exit 1
I am facing below error when use below command
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one -f ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml up -d
container erpnext-one-configurator-1 service “configurator” didn’t complete successfully: exit 1
I am facing below error when use below command
docker compose --project-name erpnext-one -f ~/gitops/erpnext-one.yaml up -d
@revant_one Any solutions
[+] Running 13/13
✔ Network erpnext-one Created 0.1s
✔ Volume "erpnext-one_sites" Created 0.0s
✔ Volume "erpnext-one_redis-cache-data" Created 0.0s
✔ Volume "erpnext-one_redis-queue-data" Created 0.0s
✔ Container erpnext-one-redis-queue-1 Started 0.7s
✔ Container erpnext-one-redis-cache-1 Started 0.8s
✘ Container erpnext-one-configurator-1 service "configurator" didn't complete successfully: exit 1 1.4s
✔ Container erpnext-one-queue-long-1 Created 0.1s
✔ Container erpnext-one-backend-1 Created 0.1s
✔ Container erpnext-one-queue-short-1 Created 0.1s
✔ Container erpnext-one-websocket-1 Created 0.1s
✔ Container erpnext-one-scheduler-1 Created 0.1s
✔ Container erpnext-one-frontend-1 Created 0.0s
service "configurator" didn't complete successfully: exit 1
If you can understand why configurator container failed, then only proceed with docker or containerized setup. docker logs <container-name>
may help.
docker logs erpnext-one-configurator-1
exec /usr/bin/bash: exec format error
exec /usr/bin/bash: exec format error
try docker compose with --env-file
and pass the .env file path.
Please guide me how to do this?
try reading docker docs
docker compose --env-file ~/gitops/erpnext-one.env up
after us above command below error comes.
Attaching to backend-1, configurator-1, frontend-1, queue-long-1, queue-short-1, scheduler-1, websocket-1
configurator-1 | exec /usr/bin/bash: exec format error
configurator-1 exited with code 1
Gracefully stopping... (press Ctrl+C again to force)
service "configurator" didn't complete successfully: exit 1
This test was written to verify if docker compose based easy install works bench/.github/workflows/easy-install.yml at develop · frappe/bench · GitHub, try with that script. The assumption is scripts run on Linux.
The action passed here Merge pull request #1579 from akhilnarang/disallow-uninstalling-frappe · frappe/bench@bb2e324 · GitHub
Mac and Windows I can’t help anyway.
My setup I discussed in build with Hussain videos.
Can’t help beyond that.
FWIW, this happens on ARM (tested on L4T linux). I’m guessing some container dependencies are not available and this causes the cryptic error. On x64, the easy install works as expected.
Arm64 images will be available from next build. Develop branch images are available for arm64
(Still learning Docker)
Should easy install be working now on this architecture? (uname -r)
Or should we concentrate on this method: GitHub - frappe/frappe_docker: Docker images for production and development setups of the Frappe framework and ERPNext
Easy install is returning this:
Setting Up Production Instance
Docker is already installed
Please refer to .example.env file in the frappe_docker folder to know which keys to set
A .env file is generated with basic configs. Please edit it to fit to your needs
[+] Running 11/11
Container frappe-redis-queue-1 Started 1.7s
Container frappe-proxy-1 Started 1.9s
Container frappe-redis-cache-1 Started 1.8s
Container frappe-db-1 Healthy 3.3s
✘ Container frappe-configurator-1 service “configurator” didn’t compl… 4.2s
Container frappe-scheduler-1 Created 0.3s
Container frappe-backend-1 Created 0.3s
Container frappe-queue-long-1 Created 0.3s
Container frappe-websocket-1 Created 0.1s
Container frappe-queue-short-1 Created 0.2s
Container frappe-frontend-1 Created 0.1s
service “configurator” didn’t complete successfully: exit 1
Docker Compose failed, please check the container logs
Command ‘[‘docker’, ‘compose’, ‘-p’, ‘frappe’, ‘-f’, ‘/home/opc/frappe-compose.yml’, ‘up’, ‘–force-recreate’, ‘–remove-orphans’, ‘-d’]’ returned non-zero exit status 1.
Still facing same issue
Build you own image. I couldn’t find arch on docker hub. Assuming it’s only amd64.
This image is showing 2 archs. Package crm · GitHub try if that works.