Confused about user type setting in security settings section

Hello everyone,

I’m using frappe v14 and have an issue. The users I created is Website user only. I try change to System user and Save, but it doesn’t although I set up at least one role for them. Because many forms have a link field, which link User doctype and default filter by System user role, I must manual copy and paste username to the form field :frowning: .

Thank you for your help!

It’s very simple: if a role has desk access, it will be assigned the “System User” role. If a role does not have desk access, it will be assigned the “Website User” role when saved.

Thank you! I wonder have any override hooks for filter user link field? I must prevent user from accessing desk. They use a mobile application and frappe provide APIs.

Yes, you can

You have to use doc_events and set it according to scenario.