Connect ERPNext V15 to Wordpress

Hello, I am doing this project where I have to connect a wordpress site with ERPNext. How can I achieve this? I am using ERPNext V15.

@codex-newton this is gonna save you a lot of time : woocommerce integration

The document says : Deprecated in Version 15
Is this no longer the case?

@trentmu well you are correct . anyways you can start building it from scratch . wordpress api is so easy to handle . here are some documentation .

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This is useful, let me build and see how it goes.

Use Libracore’s Woocommerce Connector

It is functional in v15, I am testing it.

Hey, @codex-newton how did it go with that integration?
I’m looking forward to connecting ERPNext (frappe cloud shared server) to sales on my Woocommerce site and don’t know where to start.

It didn’t work out

Hello, if you want to synchronize products with WooCommerce I recommend using this one.

What inconvenience did you have?