Connect firebase db using virtual doctype in erpnext a viable option?

I want to get data from firebase to push into the oppotunity of crm erpnext.
Can I use virtual doctype to connect and temporarily store customer data and then bring it into oppotunity?

Or does anyone have any ideas? Thank you

Hi @meeeeeeeee:

It’s doable. Check how this was made:

And this:

Consider some additional work for reports, etc …
It’s an amazing feature.

Hope this helps.

Should I create a virtual document and put it into oppotunity or create a custom python script file to connect to firebase and then directly put the data into oppotunity?

Hi @meeeeeeeee:

I guess you have a customer/lead database on Firebase and you want to use it for your opportunities. Right?

With virtual doctype approach you can create a new doctype (i.e. “External lead”) which reads data from your firebase. You can customize opportunity and link it to your new virtual doctype.

Other way would be creating a scheduled job (script) that regularely brings and syncronize data from your external database to lead/customer doctype.

Both ways are valid and have pro and cons.

Virtual doctype
Fully updated data, no sync delays.
Some framework features won’t work directly (fetching, etc…)

Sync script
External data will be usable along all the framework features without further “pains”.
Data may be not fully updated.

Hope this helps.

tks you, i will try


hello, can you help me, in frappe how can i create and run sync script to sync, how to make script run without stopping