Connecting Frappe Bench to existing ERPNext website


Is it possible to connect frappe-bench to an existing ERPNext website I created before I downloaded ERPNext Production?

Thanks in advance.

Hi, this is a bump.

I understand things get skipped since you guys get a load of questions, hence the bump.

I put this while at an internship I am (just) no longer at, and this unfortunately means the end of ERPNext for me for now; I just want to know if it’s possible or not. I’ve downloaded the production virtual machine, and connected to frappe-bench.

Is there a way to connect an existing ERPNext website i.e. to frappe-bench, so I could edit some Python code related to it?

Yes, no or it’s complicated should suffice :slight_smile:

@AA3141 hi ,
i think frappe comunity is the best one i have been a part of … i think members will help you but the question not clear -for me at least- … so i think people avoid to give wrong answer here …
as far as i understand you have an existing site in a VM … And you installed frappe-bench and frappe and erpnext and your linux/mac machine or server (NOT VM) and want to transfer the Database from the VM to your Machine and edit the python code … this is very doable if its the question you referring to , you backup database and restore it at your machine
? if it’s not please more information

Hi @ahmadRagheb

I understand if it’s not clear, that is my shortcoming - but I’d rather people say that it’s not clear than avoiding an answer at all - it saves me and others the wait. Thank you for clearing that up.

To your answer:
I installed the ‘production’ virtual image in Sorted out everything using VirtualBox, everything runs fine there. The virtual image runs on Ubuntu as per the download from the site above. My actual machine (not VM) runs on Windows. My existing site was made in Windows, but through the site so it already is online.

One of the sites is actually here (obviously to test the ERPNext site).

My question is, with what I have above, can I use frappe-bench in my VM to somehow obtain the database that contains Python code from my ERPNext site and edit in Windows? Or would I need to install frappe-bench in in Linux and go from there?

As always, feel free to tell me you don’t understand, and I can try and explain it a different way. Looking forward to responses.

i think i understand you now … you want to edit python code in the vm .
you can use github … if you create a custom app … push it to github and pull it any where you want and edit it and push it back to repo … then in vm you pull last changes in repo … if the case to use editor or anything else …
btw you can have both windows and ubuntu in the same machine … that’s what i have since am a gamer and developer.
notes . database = site which contains the data …
apps . where python codes and js … you can play around if you know what you are doing
notes . database = site which contains the data …

have figures to show you the structure of everything
you can create your own custom app and play around with it …
by the way there is good editor in terminal … nano vim …etc

quite possible. You can take backup and restore it onto a new site.