Consolidated Financial Statement shows wrong total on the card

Hi ,

When the “Accumulated Values in Group Company” option is selected, the total values on the card are wrong because it adds the accumulated values to the individual values (which is a duplication). Please see screenshots below:

Please help fix this


Created a Github Issue: Consolidated Financial Statement shows wrong total on the card · Issue #23871 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub

@wale I am thinking the error occurred because you made All Big Company the group company .Ideally if you have Company A as parent and Company B and C are subsidiaries ,then you should create company ABC primarily for consolidation as the group while the other three companies A, B and C will be created taking their chart of accounts from ABC.In this scenario,the consolidated financial statements work perfectly in ERPNext according to the test I carried out in version 12

Hi @Fred1

Trust you’re doing great. The issue I highlighted above has to do with the cards and I don’t think they exist in V12. Please look at the images in my post
