We want to keep rental contracts in Frappe, that can be changed during their lifetimes, so I need to keep track of changes to a contract and a way to keep a date from which that change applies.
Can I use track changes for that?
I don’t see a way to add a field to History DocType in UI, but I guess I could do it via a customization file. But I don’t know about changing the user-facing UI so that they can fill the date.
I guess I’d need just create my own normal DocType Contract Version, but then I’d need to reimplement the track changes feature…
Oh, I know about tracking changes and about accessing versions with the API, but I didn’t know you can click it Thanks!
I’m not sure about the UX though. Consider this scenario for a sales person:
In April they’ve signed a contract with a customer, for a rental of 5 items between 1st of May and 1st of July.
On 1st of May we’re sending a service person to set up the items.
On 15th of May the customer comes back and asks for another item, starting with the 1st of June. So our sales person changes the contract to say it’s now 6 items.
On the 1st of June we need to send a service person again, to set up the additional item.
But the date of the change is 15th of May, so we’d need another field that tells us when the change actually takes place.
The meaning of this field would be the last change of this document applies on this date:. I’m pretty sure it would be very confusing to users.
I don’t want to create a separate contract for the extra item as it would create a management hell for the sales team.
Hope someone can help me fitting this square problem in the round Frappe framework