Could not change the user type from website user to system user

the user test2 that i try to change its type

Hi @manal_erpnext,

Add a role (Desk Access related role) to the test2 user and then verify it. You’ll notice that it switches from being a website user to a system user automatically.

Also, read the documentation of Difference Between System User and Website User

Thank You!

Could you give me a screenshot for this, please?

Hi @manal_erpnext,

Please check it.

You need to try out yourself and also go through the documentation again to understand it better.

Thank You!

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I added a new role named test and then assigned it to the user then it worked.
Do you mean this?

Means It’s a system user. If the user has no access of desk then it becomes a website user.

I hope you understand.

Thank You!

when i add two users i think i could set them user type are “system user” but the real thing is that the first user i added by default set “system user”
Adding System Manager to this User as there must be at least one System Manager

Hi @manal_erpnext,

In ERPNext, It’s the default, at least one user has System Manager rights when you create a user.

Thank You!

Please check the video, for more details.

Thank You!

Yes, thanks a lot.