Could not find Row Item Tax Template when creating a new company

I get the attached message when I try to create or when I update and try to save an existing company in ERPNext. What am I doing wrong or have I not properly set. Regards, Charles

Hi @cha,

It seems your item tax template does not properly update when you rename/create a company name.
So, Please reload (Ctrl + Shift + R) then the whole page and check it.
If not worked and manually installed erpnext, then please apply the command and check it.

bench --site [sitename] clear-cache
bench --site [sitename] migrate

Then check it.

Thank You!

Hi @NCP ,

Thanks for your response. I identified where the issue could be, I installed KAS VAT app that is still in development and that could be the one causing the issue. I will remove the app, hopefully this will fix the issue.