Create a standard report in custom and have it appear in ERPNext


I am new to ERPNext. I have managed to create an frappe app and i have created hooks to ERPNext to allow me to customize. What i want to do is:

  1. Create a report in my frappe app that references the GL Entry DocType in ERPNext. Right now i cannot access ERPNext modules at the point of designing the script report
  2. Make the report accessible from the Accounts report section in ERPNext.

Please guide me on how to be able to do this.



  • install erpnext app, then create report by specifying module and doctype from your app.
  • Create config folder in your app
  • Create and specify report under that (ref: erpnext > config >


Thanks for this. One clarification though,

This means that i installed erpnext as an application in my custom app ? Otherwise I would not be able to access ERPNext DocTypes?\
