Please help me!
My application is based on Python Flask and uses Frappe to communicate with ERP Next. There is a website that sends (client side) all the information to my Flask (python) app and then my application interact with various API included ERPNext. Everything is a design constraint.
The needs is to first create Customers /Suppliers and then add them the Address.
The creation of them is perfect and fully functional, but I cannot link the address to the customer/supplier during the address creation.
My Jsons are structured in this way:
‘doctype’: ‘Customer’,
‘customer_name’: ‘-the full name with internal codes-’,
‘first_name’: ‘-thename-’,
‘last_name’: ‘-thelastname-’,
‘email’: ‘-theemail-’,
‘mobile_phone_number’: ‘-thenumber-’,
‘doctype’: ‘Address’,
‘address_title’: ‘-the full name of customer-’
…all the address information…
‘links’: [{‘link_doctype’: ‘Customer’,‘link_name’: -the full name with internal codes-'},
{‘link_doctype’: ‘Supplier’,‘link_name’: ‘-thesuppliername-’}
all the data between “-” are variable data
i receive the following error:
LinkValidationError: Could not find Row #1: Link Name: -thecustomername-
the Customer with customer_name: -thecustomername- exists in ERP
a very old version of the same app built in node.js was able to do this, but I cannot access to it.
I’m doing something wrong?
Should I add some reference to doctype ‘Address’ in ‘Customer’?
The address creation is successive to customer creation and i create the reference between the two models after or during address creation.
what do you suggest?
thanks a lot to everybody
This is a longshot, but have you tried to create the links separately as
'doctype': 'Dynamic Link',
'link_doctype': 'Customer',
'link_name': customer_name,
'parenttype': 'Address',
'parent': address_name
Make sure that customer_name and address_name reflect the ids in ERPNext.
Maybe this helps…
Thanks a lot for your solution, yes it is a longshot…
Anyway your idea added some new information in my mind on ERPNext APIs.
Unfortunately even if I have checked for long time everything I got this error:
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
it seems related to my JSON - I paste here what I get from console doing “print”:
{ 'link_name': '-customer-name-',
'parenttype': 'Address',
'parent': '-address-name-',
'link_doctype': 'Customer',
'doctype': 'Dynamic Link' }
(-customer-name- and -address-name- includes the real strings)
I don’t see anything really strange and it is very similar to the other JSONs I create in the rest of my app.
In order to add new items, I use the “insert” method of FrappeClient.
“insert method” of FrappeClient is defined in this way, and it includes json.dumps(doc) for JSON formatting:
def insert(self, doc):
res = self.session.post(self.url + "/api/resource/" + doc.get("doctype"),
data={"data": json.dumps(doc)})
return self.post_process(res)
Above solution work only customer
but my problem is two side not show
means in customer show address and in contact Dynemic links also is emty
after some hord work then make proper solution for add entry by “Document Api”
doc = frappe.get_doc({
‘doctype’: ‘Dynamic Link’,
‘link_doctype’: ‘Customer’,
‘link_name’: customer, // customer id
‘parenttype’: ‘Contact’,
‘parent’: contact, // contact id
‘link_title’:link_title // title