**Hi all **
I am new to ERPNEXT
I made hosting in contabo…
**Now… My ERPNEXT ready to work … **
But I need to learn how to create backup for database on my server and save it to my local computer and how to restore it…
I haven’t Linux OS, I work on putty.
Thank you all
You can take database backup with the help of MySQL Administrator GUI tool, where you can put the login details and can create and take a backup copy to local PC.
Or if you want to take backup of file, first of all, open the putty and change to bench directory and run the command “bench backup” . when, it completes the backup, go to WINSCP tool and put the user login details and go to sites directory and directly drag and drop the backup(generally shows the erp url) to the local directory present on the left side.
or you can visit the url:-
if you have installed ERPNext correctly, then type
cd /home/frappe/frappe-bench/
then enter any command you want
bench backup
Please refer https://discuss.frappe.io/t/backup-restore/5675/4 for further assistance
You have to upload the backup file to Contabo. Then use the path. Contabo does not understand C drive.
You can use WinSCP to upload the Database file(.SQL) to your Contabo server, then run the command bench restore SQL_FILE_PATH
in your Contabo’s frappe-bench directory.