Create New Student and set custom Roles & Permission

Hello Everyone,

I’ve been trying to find a way for when some new Student is created, I’d like him or her to come with some custom Role and Permissions, is it possible to do?

Like, now when a Student is created, it comes like this:
OBS: only with Student checked

But I would like it to come like this:

Notice, that when a user has only “Student” checked as Roles, it can’t access the Modules, so I need to check Academic user as well, so user has access to Modules, as you see in the second picture.

Could anyone help me with that please?

what about if you make role and module profiles for students

I’d like that, but is it possible for me to set it as default?

Like when I create a new stundent, I would like this user to come with those Roles and modules.

sorry, I haven’t checked that but I think it can’t be set as the default, you have to allocate these profiles while creating a user.

Oh, that’s sad :cry: , I’ll check what I can do to make it work, thanks a lot man.

If anyone else has a way to make it work, help me please! haha

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