Create two leads seperately in erpnext crm Sales Pipeline

create two leads seperately for seperate leads for example if one lead is abc lead it must contain only the organisation with abc and if the other lead is xyz then it must contain only the organisation with xyz

Hi @Abhikrishna_P_A,

I made a two-lead now what do I do? :sweat_smile:

Please elaborate on the scenario, what is the issue?

Check out the Prospect scenario

In CRM Sales Pipeline now there is some option like lead,opportunity,customer,etc… I need to create two seperate leads one named xyz lead and other named abc lead. Inside xyz lead only leads related to xyz company should be mentioned and in abc lead only leads related to abc company should be mentioned.

Hi @Abhikrishna_P_A,

@Tufan_Kaynak2 is right, you have to use the Prospect scenario.

You can also easily add the lead in Prospect.

Thank You!