Creating a comment via REST API in doctype of Customer

I’m looking for the way creating a comment via REST api in doctype of Customer.

I’m working with Frapperclient library
(frappe-client/ at master · frappe/frappe-client · GitHub)
And also searched google to find a way.
However, creating a comment via api is still unsolved…

Please… someone help me. Let me know the way creating a comment via REST api in doctype of Customer.


You can use the add_comment api to add the comment in Customer doctype.

You will need to provide the following arguments to the API

	doctype: "Communication",
	communication_type: "Comment",
	comment_type: comment_type || "Comment",
	reference_doctype: "Customer",
	reference_name: "Cust-00001",
	content: "This is a comment !!",
	sender: "Administrator"

for reference please check the following link.


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Problem is solved!!! thanks a lot!!