Creating a credit note for returned items(from for my supplier)

Hi there.

I am trying to create a a credit note(maybe a debit note?, my accounting terminology is not perfect).

The situation:

I returned stock earlier this year to a supplier. Normally, from what I understand, I would go back and find in previous purchased items from that supplier, and create the credit(debit??) note against them. Then,once created, these can be applied to unpaid invoices.

But, in my case, the items were bought before I started using ERPNext, so I can not use the method that requires me to use old purchase orders.

How can I proceed to do this?



Hi, you could try and create a purchase invoice with the “is return” and “update stock” checked to create a debit note to a supplier that will update inventory.

You don’t need to map it to the original invoice to create returns. (Though it helps in referencing)