Creating a new interface

i want create a new interface for a development . here im added my administrator erpnext .
i want recreate it for another user like there it should show only CRM on left side bar public option. but it should not affect my this interface .anyone guide me with this

@Sumith-2004 check this Show/Hide a workspace for a specific Role

how can i save this. it do not allow me to edit the document

@Sumith-2004 click on edit button check this Workspace

Here i clicked the edit option

Then im clicked settings to set the role

Here i cant save the role. i can only able to save the customized blocks

@Sumith-2004 How to Enable Developer Mode in Frappe enable developer mode in your site

This is my common_site_config.json
“background_workers”: 1,
“developer_mode”: 1,
“file_watcher_port”: 6787,
“frappe_user”: “sumith”,
“gunicorn_workers”: 17,
“live_reload”: true,
“pause_scheduler”: 1,
“rebase_on_pull”: false,
“redis_cache”: “redis://”,
“redis_queue”: “redis://”,
“redis_socketio”: “redis://”,
“restart_supervisor_on_update”: true,
“restart_systemd_on_update”: false,
“serve_default_site”: true,
“shallow_clone”: true,
“socketio_port”: 9000,
“use_redis_auth”: false,
“webserver_port”: 8000

this is my site_config.json
“developer_mode”: 1,
“db_name”: “_642125454g3”,
“db_password”: “rJY2Pgk22xn5V”,
“db_type”: “mariadb”,
“encryption_key”: “gtlQ0O8Y6kkBUkm3-H-kzKNNFQKspHQQiI2ZjISp9CiLA=”,
“pause_scheduler”: 0

@Sumith-2004 can you share ss of roles of user administrator

can you have look at its solution. is it have any link with my problem

Hi @Sumith-2004,

You can’t update roles if the user has created a non-public workspace. However, if the user has created a public workspace, you can add or edit roles.

In the image above, the workspace was created by an administrator as a non-public workspace, so no user can access or add/edit roles.

Ok now i making a small project for a user about CRM. they only want the CRM module in left side bar other modules like selling,stock,etc… should be removed for them . how can do such kind of work. is want to create workspace or i want edit the overall interface of ERPNext in backend. but at the same time i dont want to make any changes in my administrator erpnext. i just want to edit that user’s erpnext. how can i do that?
please guide me with this.


Just go the Users – > User and in allowed Modules Untick all the modules except CRM.


Divyesh Mangroliya

1 Like

yeah thankyou for your idea

Hi @mangroliya
I got a doubt, if the user change any blocks or something else in their CRM module means. is it also affect my CRM too.

No… ! If user created a own workspace then doesn’t affect to CRM workspace.


Only User with System Manager and Workspace Manager Roles can change the Public Workspaces.

So, if user change anything will not impact.


Divyesh Mangroliya

Is there any way to clone the whole ERPNext interface (desk) and to edit it. im asking this because if i add a user like this and his role is like manager or something else means they can change my crm also too right.
I want them to access only their erpnext desk and the erpnext desk of their users like sales person , sales manager who are work under them. please answer me for this doubt.

Without practical you will know nothing, so practice and test in local. Otherwise, you will not clear any confusion, and often you will raise questions. If you do not want to allow another role or user to change the default workspace, you must set the role to that workspace with an administrator or system manager. Then test it yourself, with different user roles, only then will you know. Otherwise you will not know anything.