Creating sub-categories for Help Articles

3 Questions please:

  1. Is it possible to create help subcategories within the knowledge base module to create a hierarchy of help articles? That is with Help Categories, Help sub-Categories, Help sub-sub-Categories? An example would be:
    Marketing (first level Help Category), Contact Management (Sub-category under Marketing as: kb/Marketing/Contact Management/ etc.?

  2. Can you make these Help categories and sub-categories accessible to a Customer user in the Customer Portal?

  3. Is it possible for a Customer user, through their Customer Portal, to search for a Knowledge base Help Article?

Yes, all of these are possible.

  1. Create your Help Article Categories. Whenever you are creating a new help article, select the help article category that it should be assigned to.

  2. You can make your customers website users and they will be able to access the knowledge base articles through the website.

I found to make sub / child category is possible for “Help Category” by ticking [Is tree] in doctType (for that you need to login as administrator for the site in developer mode).

But clicking on Main category does not show articles from sub-categories.

If I assign category “Main” to 2 help articles, and “SubCat” (which is child of Main) 3, them articles under Main are shown only 2, not the 5 (2+3). It does not include articles from sub-categories.

Is this behaviour normal?

Can we make it to show articles from sub-categories as well?