Creation of new DocType is stuck

Hello Guys,

Firstly I would like to congratulate for this project. I was looking for an open source ERP lately and this project just blew my mind. Is really the next ERP. In any case I am in the testing phase now and I would see how it goes.

So…my problem is basic. I was trying to create a new DocType and after the save button there was some movement on the progress bar but it just stuck at the end. Accessing erpnext from other browser windows just throws an “Internal Server Error”.

I am using ERPNext with Virtual Box in a Windows 7 64-bit environment.

Do you have any clues what is going on?

Thanks in advance.


When I disable the developer_mode the site is back and working. In this way though you can’t create any other DocType so I guess is a bug?

@pierostz thanks for the kind words and welcome to the community :smile:

Could be a permission issue. @pdvyas how do you see logs on the VM? → KB article?

Hi. The VM is not for development since it uses production setup. Better setup a fresh VM using Ubuntu or Debian and setup bench for development

Hello Anand. For a newbie I would like to know more details. Is there a KB article how to setup the bench. I don’t even know what bench is :smile:

Read: GitHub - frappe/bench: CLI to manage Multi-tenant deployments for Frappe apps :smile:

Hello anand,

I created a new virtual machine and installed bench. My question is a bit stupid.

What are the default credentials to login?

Thanks in advance.



The credentials of the virtual image are:

username: erpnext
password: erpnext
mysql root password: erpnext
root password: erpnext
erpnext database name: erpnext
erpnext database password: erpnext
Once the Virtual Machine boots, use your HOST operating system's browser and go to:

and login using:

user: Administrator
password: admin

But dont believe in the url to access the erpnext. That depends on the address of your virtualmashine.


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