Credit Limit Issue

hello, i have an issue regarding the credit limit
a customer has credit limit=2,000
and this customer already has a sales order created before specifying the credit limit with an amount of 2910.9, for this sales order he gets an invoice with 2285.7 and the extra items are now in back order, because maybe later he will take them. so the difference was 625.2 (kind of pending items), now i wanted to create a new sales order after applying the credit limit, it has as a total amount 1553.2, when i want to submit i get the following error:

Credit limit has been crossed for customer X 2178.48132/2000.0

i noticed that the system calculates 1553.2+625.2 and the total is bigger than the credit limit, but how can i solve this the items with the total 625.2 cant be removed since the customer want to take them later, how can i stop the system from adding these 2 amounts together and take the order alone? is that possible?
P.S: in my customer outstanding amount, i make sure that the client have it as 0.

and this is the general ledger report

I believe checking the ¨Bypass credit limit check at Sales Order¨ in the customer master should solve this problem.


the credit limit should be 2000
and i’m creating an order with the amount 1553.2
when i want to submit the SO it will give the following error
Credit limit has been crossed for customer X 2178.48132/2000.0
this 2178.4 is the amount of the new SO plus the items left from a previous SO (because i made an invoive with half the items) did u understand my question?

I think I do

The system is taking into consideration the value of the items left in the old SO.

My suggestion is that you allow the system to check for credit limit when creating Sales Invoice and not Sales Order.

If you are ok with this idea then you check the ¨By Pass credit limit at SO¨ box.

Then the system will check for credit limit at Sales Invoice.

Or what do you want the system to do?

Thanks, this is what i wanted

i had one more issue, now i can submit the SO but when i want to make a SI from it, it will give me the same error, even if this client have a previous SI and it was totally PAID. so the customer outstanding amount is 0, and the new SI that i want to make it from the SO has as total 1553.2 and the credit limit is 2000. how can i solve this now? sorry for asking many questions