CRM: Leads not generated for web registrations automatically


Documentation says following:

If a someone creates an account through the website interface is Lead is automatically created, status is Open and the Owner is the webuser.

The way I understand is that if a user registers on the Portal, a Lead should be generated automatically, but at least for me, using the virtualbox image, no leads are generated when I register users via the web portal. I wonder how should I start debugging this? (And what should happen if there already is a lead/contact with the e-mail being used for registration in the portal?)


I assume you are talking about Contact Us page where user enter the query. Please check Opportunity, it should be in there.

Thanks Kanchan for the reply, but no, I did not mean the “contact us” form, but when a user registers into the web portal. (Contact us seems to work as you describe, though)

Ok so when user registers from Portal, they get an email to verify there email address, after that they are added as User with website access not as Lead.

in this case documentation should be updated, since it’s giving wrong information to readers.

I confirm, a webuser get created, an orphan address (shown in system and not shown for the webuser), and contact.

No lead created.