Cronjob for Biometric Attendance - biometric-attendance-sync-tool


I have created a cronjob for attendance as below, which is running perfectly.

umar@PC:~$ crontab -l
* * * * * /usr/bin/python3 -c 'from erpnext_sync import main; main()'

Should I execute it “Every Minute” OR “@reboot” ?

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Could you please clarify how it operates? I’ve set up the Frappe ERPNext biometric sync tool as well, but I’m running this tool on Windows, while my ERPNext site is on Ubuntu. How can I get both to run on Ubuntu?

@Rehan_Ansari Please check this Wiki Section for biometric-attendance-sync-tool.

Most of your queries will be resolved here.

For more clarification here is the video on youtube.

If you still has any query feel free to ask.
