Hello ERPNext Lovers.
First of all, thanks for always helping.
I am having problems when I try to change the currency in any report either Profit and Loss Statement, or any report.
I have 2 currencies, Gs. (guaranies, paraguayan money) and USD.
When I change the Currency, the symbol changes to U$D but the amount stays in Gs.
What am I losing? Something I have to set or check ? or it’s a bug?
check the currency, changes the symbol but the amount still in PYG (GS)
Please, anyone knows something about this bug? Thanks
I guess the exchange rate convertor API doesn’t work with this report or the API doesn’t have exchange record between USD and PYG
Anyhow, you should have received error message of Unable to find exchange rate but you can create Currency Exchange manually at any date during 2022 as a base to converting numbers
Last thing, please make sure that no currency exchange is already recorded. You may have a record of 1 as an exchange rate between USD and PYG
To know how record Currency Exchange, please refer to this documentation