CUstom app document content disappears after update

Created an app, a few days after started working I have decided to change it a little bit.
I made a few changes to doctype.json file (none of the affected fields were in use by now), followed by commiting changes, and bench update.
After update ended, when I go into all entries on the doctype list, I get the following (sorry, I am using dark mode).

As you can see, I only get the document name and the basic buttons and that’s it.
any ideas?

It seems that there is something to do with making a field hidden, while it still being visible at the Form Builder view.
When trying to remove them I get:

while the hidden attribute is active… :thinking:


If you ticked the field as read only in the Doctype, field only visible if there is some value in it otherwise it will be hidden.


Divyesh M.

I don’t mean hidden until value is entered.
All of the field were missing (empty form, no fields and no values)


Can you post the screenshot of Doctype Form Builder?


Divyesh Mangroliya

Never mind…
Apparently I had a bad ; in one of my form scripts.
Should have seen it sooner (I actually reinstalled my entire system before realizing it - good thing it was a new system and I am still the only user…)