Custom app not appearing


created a custom app, then created a module that contains different DocTypes. I can’t add the module or any of the DocTypes to a new desk,but I can still access using search bar

You have to add file in config folder of your custom app and need to update file
pls refer frappe or erpnext config folder.

Yes, I have created py file with the exact module name,
While clicking the Module button its show blank

while clicking the dropdown arrow in the module button it showing the doctype list.

These issue raising only after a recent frappe update

Look at your JS console. There might be a hint.

the only doctype is not appearing, All report type is showing in the module.

Console result is

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just run

bench migrate
bench clear-cache
bench restart

done, but not worked

Are you using Frappe as a framework to build something or use ERPNext?
From your screenshot looks like you have not installed ERPNext on the site, if that is what you are looking to use.

s, I have created a custom app using frappe framework.

share your code?

from __future__ import unicode_literals
from frappe import _
import frappe

def get_data():
    return [
        "label": _("Master"),
        "icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
        "items": [
                "type": "doctype",
                "name": "Projects",
                "label": _("Projects"),
                "type": "doctype",
                "name": "Ledger",
                "label": _("Ledger"),
                "description": _("Ledger ."),
                "type": "doctype",
                "name": "Site No",
                "label": _("Site No"),
                "description": _("Site Information."),
        "label": _("Transaction"),
        "icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
        "items": [
                "type": "doctype",
                "name": "Labour Measurement Entry",
                "label": _("Labour Measurement Entry"),
                "icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
                "description": _("Information about labour work."),
        "label": _("Report"),
        "icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
        "items": [
                "type": "report",
                "is_query_report": True,
                "name": "Labour Measurement Register",
                "reference_doctype": "Labour Measurement Entry"

Hi @Thangamani_M

Try this format instead

from future import unicode_literals
from frappe import _
import frappe

def get_data():
config = [
"label": _("Master"),
"icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
"items": [
"type": "doctype",
"name": "Projects",
"label": _("Projects"),
"type": "doctype",
"name": "Ledger",
"label": _("Ledger"),
"description": _("Ledger ."),
"type": "doctype",
"name": "Site No",
"label": _("Site No"),
"description": _("Site Information."),
"label": _("Transaction"),
"icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
"items": [
"type": "doctype",
"name": "Labour Measurement Entry",
"label": _("Labour Measurement Entry"),
"icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
"description": _("Information about labour work."),

    "label": _("Report"),
    "icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
    "items": [
            "type": "report",
            "is_query_report": True,
            "name": "Labour Measurement Register",
            "reference_doctype": "Labour Measurement Entry"
return config


I tried this code, Report link is appearing, doctype link is not appearing.

How about this?

from future import unicode_literals
from frappe import _
import frappe

def get_data():
config = [
"label": _("Master"),
"icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
"items": [
"type": "doctype",
"name": "Projects",
"type": "doctype",
"name": "Ledger",
"description": _("Ledger"),
"type": "doctype",
"name": "Site No",
"description": _("Site Information"),
"label": _("Transaction"),
"icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
"items": [
"type": "doctype",
"name": "Labour Measurement Entry",
"icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
"description": _("Information about labour work"),

    "label": _("Report"),
    "icon": "octicon octicon-briefcase",
    "items": [
            "type": "report",
            "is_query_report": True,
            "name": "Labour Measurement Register",
            "reference_doctype": "Labour Measurement Entry"
return config

Not worked but I received following error in the console

I have changed

def filter_by_restrict_to_domain(data):
    """ filter Pages and DocType depending on the Active Module(s) """
   mapper = {
        "page": "Page",
        "doctype": "DocType"

    active_domains = frappe.get_active_domains()
    for d in data:
        _items = []
        for item in d.get("items", []):
            doctype = mapper.get(item.get("type"))
            doctype_domain = frappe.db.get_value(doctype, item.get("name"), "restrict_to_domain") or ''
            if not doctype_domain or (doctype_domain in active_domains):
        d.update({ "items": _items })
    return data

Now Working

This must be co-incidental.

The problem is the cache is not reloading

I have seen that below commands always help:
bench console

In [1]: from frappe.cache_manager import build_domain_restriced_doctype_cache
In [2]: build_domain_restriced_doctype_cache()

Thank u for your reply, problem solved