Custom_docperm.json is not reflecting on erpnext site


I had exported roles and custom docperm using fixtures .But after migrating the site the permission to the role is not like in custom_docperm.json

For example

in custom_docperm.json ,the permissions to sales Invoice to example user is like this

“amend”: 1,
“cancel”: 1,
“create”: 1,
“delete”: 1,
“docstatus”: 0,
“doctype”: “Custom DocPerm”,
“email”: 0,
“export”: 1,
“if_owner”: 0,
“import”: 0,
“modified”: “2021-12-06 12:42:12.823390”,
“name”: “43560661fd”,
“parent”: “Sales Invoice”,
“parentfield”: null,
“parenttype”: null,
“permlevel”: 0,
“print”: 1,
“read”: 1,
“report”: 1,
“role”: “Example User”,
“select”: 1,
“set_user_permissions”: 0,
“share”: 0,
“submit”: 1,
“write”: 1

Here we can see in custom_docperm.json the Example User have permissions to cancel/create/delete/amend the Sales Invoice,but after migrating the site ,The example user does not have permission amend and delete Sales Invoice in site

How to set permissions to role as like in custom_docperm.json?

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