Custom DocType doesn't write changes to .JSON

Hi there,

I have a problem with my test server.
The sympthom is the following:

  • I have created a custom app for my erpnext install.
  • Developer mode is on
  • This app has custom doctype’s
  • I have added some fields to this doctype
  • I have run bench migrate and then bench restart && bench clear-cache

The results:

The modifications are gone and the DocType has been reverted to it’s original unmodified version.
What’s the cause?
How can I fix this issue?

My system is: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
All package has been updated and Erpnext and Frappe is the latest master version.



Custom DocType doesn’t write changes to .JSON file

This is an expected behavior.

Go through this thread and specifically this answer to clear your doubts about Custom Doctype checkbox.
