so I changed the existing A record which was present in the DNS console, to the IP address of my frappe cloud site
at first is shows pending and after a few minutes it shows broken. Unfortunately this is all the information I get.
Is anybody else using hetzner for domain management or has a clue what I’m doing wrong. Any help is appreciated.
thank you
forwarding works, so if I enter the domain I will land in my frappe cloud dashboard, DNS verification for subdomain is working according to the frappe cloud interface but the status is still broken which hinders me to set the domain as primary domain
Problem solved! the solution was to delete the A and AAAA record with www, to be able to change the CNAME record to www.
Now my next challenge: How can I change my domain setting, so that I can access the webpage built with frappe builder with my custom domain instead of the frappe login page?