Custom Field in Item to show in Sales Invoice Print Format

I added custom field in Item short_description and i want that to show for Sales Invoice print format below the item name.

Thanks in advance

Hi @xchicox,

That for, please use a custom print format using HTML Print Format.
please check its documentation.

Thank You!

thanks for the response NCP, i added it but when check it shows no element. could you please help me on that

This is the error im getting


Hi @xchicox,

Please check whether your custom field name is proper or not.

Please check your spell of the short description

Its correct but i think because that short_description was made in item module and need to fetch to invoice but i dont know how to do that.


Please apply it.

{{ frappe.db.get_value("Item", {"item_code": row.item_code}, 'short_description') }}

Then reload and check it.

Thank You!

I added but it stays the same. did i added it correctly?

i think it worked ahah


Just conformation,

if short_description in item doctype then it perfectly works.

thank you so much

Hi @NCP thank you for your support.
Its working with sales invoice.
When i added the same code in POS invoice its not working. Is there any changes for POS print.
I added custom field called item_arabic_name
Used same {{ frappe.db.get_value(ā€œItemā€, {ā€œitem_codeā€: row.item_code}, ā€˜item_arabic_nameā€™) }}
its not showing in the print

Please check whether your field name is proper or not.

I tryed with sales invoice print, Itā€™s working. That means there is no field name error right?
But in the POS invoice itā€™s not showing

I havenā€™t idea about it.
But we will check it.

Thank You!

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