Custom fields are missing from User Doctype after ERPNEXT update?

I have added one custom Link field in User Doctype, but after updates it gone.
Surely, Will it happen after updates?

If you have added a field to the doctype and then updated it, maybe the custom field is gone. But if you have created field from the custom field doctype then it should not go. And I think you must have added field in doctype directly because custom field doctype doesn’t allow to add custom field for core doctype.

Tried this. But could not find the Core doctypes (User) when adding the custom field from the custom field doctype. Other modules are listed but Core module not.

Also if i customize the form from setup → ‘Core Doctypes can’t be customized’.

So, I have handled the same logic in another custom doctype by linking the User doctype to that custom doctype.