Custom POS layout

I have a client who wish to have a different layout for POS.

How do I create a different layout?

Best regards, Anders Malmros

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Goto print format list, create a new print format for the doctype sales invoice and use in the POS. You can also edit the POS Invoice print format.

This will be very useful in a week or so to me.
What the client want to change, is how the POS interface on iPad works. I think it is not impossible to make, but what he requests is:
Grid with icons for item groups instead of dropdown.
Option to select customer group one or customer group two ( eat in or take away)
Grid with all tables as icons. Green icon if table is empty, red if there is an open invoice. Selecting table will either create new invoice, or open the invoice for the table.

Also another request is to make a simple login for staff. They select their photo and press pincode.

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Item are already in the picture/grid form , you can replicate the same with the item groups and the customers.

And for the tables an expert can guide you easily how to proceed.

Which files do I need to manipulate?

After editing it does not save.