Custom Report on Supllier

Hi all, i want to make a new report showing the commission for supplier, but i got stuck, i want make it if the purchase order have more than 1 item, it will all shown in the report, but what i make now doesnt showing all of the item, only the first item appear. can u help me with that? below i give my code. thanks a lot

import frappe
from frappe.utils import flt

def execute(filters=None):
if not filters:
filters = {}

columns = get_columns()
data = get_data(filters)

return columns, data

def get_columns():
return [
{“fieldname”: “supplier”, “label”: “Supplier”, “fieldtype”: “Link”, “options”: “Supplier”, “width”: 200},
{“fieldname”: “supplier_target_number”, “label”: “Supplier Target Number”, “fieldtype”: “Data”, “width”: 150},
{“fieldname”: “amount”, “label”: “Amount”, “fieldtype”: “Currency”, “width”: 150},
{“fieldname”: “po_number”, “label”: “PO Number”, “fieldtype”: “Link”, “options”: “Purchase Order”, “width”: 200},
{“fieldname”: “date”, “label”: “Date”, “fieldtype”: “Date”, “width”: 100},
{“fieldname”: “reqd_by_date”, “label”: “Reqd Date”, “fieldtype”: “Date”, “width”: 100},
{“fieldname”: “supplier_name”, “label”: “Supplier Name”, “fieldtype”: “Data”, “width”: 200},
{“fieldname”: “item_name”, “label”: “Item Name”, “fieldtype”: “Data”, “width”: 200},
{“fieldname”: “qty_po”, “label”: “Qty PO”, “fieldtype”: “Float”, “width”: 100},
{“fieldname”: “qty_to_receive”, “label”: “Qty to Receive”, “fieldtype”: “Float”, “width”: 100},
{“fieldname”: “total_amount”, “label”: “Total Amount”, “fieldtype”: “Currency”, “width”: 150},
{“fieldname”: “saldo_achievement”, “label”: “Saldo Achievement”, “fieldtype”: “Currency”, “width”: 150},
{“fieldname”: “saldo_target_supplier”, “label”: “Saldo Target Supplier”, “fieldtype”: “Currency”, “width”: 150},
{“fieldname”: “balance_target”, “label”: “Balance Target”, “fieldtype”: “Currency”, “width”: 150},
{“fieldname”: “qty_receive”, “label”: “Qty Receive”, “fieldtype”: “Float”, “width”: 100},
{“fieldname”: “amount_receive”, “label”: “Amount Receive”, “fieldtype”: “Currency”, “width”: 150},
{“fieldname”: “po_received_percent”, “label”: “% PO Received”, “fieldtype”: “Percent”, “width”: 100},
{“fieldname”: “qty_to_received”, “label”: “Qty To Received”, “fieldtype”: “Float”, “width”: 100},
{“fieldname”: “po_to_received_percent”, “label”: “% PO To Received”, “fieldtype”: “Percent”, “width”: 100},
{“fieldname”: “amount_to_receive”, “label”: “Amount to Receive”, “fieldtype”: “Currency”, “width”: 150},

def get_data(filters):
data =
supplier_targets = get_supplier_targets(filters)

for st in supplier_targets:
    remaining_target = st.target_amount
    purchase_orders = get_purchase_orders(st.supplier, filters)
    first_entry = True
    for po in purchase_orders:

        po_items = get_purchase_order_items(

        for item in po_items:
            row = {
                "supplier": st.supplier if first_entry else "",
                "supplier_target_number": if first_entry else "",
                "amount": st.target_amount if first_entry else "",
                "date": po.transaction_date,
                "reqd_by_date": po.schedule_date,
                "item_name": item.item_name,
                "qty_po": item.qty,
                "qty_to_receive": item.qty,
                "total_amount": item.amount,
                "saldo_achievement": item.amount,
                "saldo_target_supplier": remaining_target,
                "balance_target": remaining_target - item.amount,
                "qty_receive": item.received_qty,
                "amount_receive": (po.per_received / 100) * item.amount,
                "po_received_percent": po.per_received,
                "qty_to_received": item.qty - item.received_qty,
                "po_to_received_percent": ((item.qty - item.received_qty) / item.qty) * 100,
                "amount_to_receive": ((item.qty - item.received_qty) * item.amount) / item.qty
        remaining_target -= item.amount
        row["saldo_achievement"] = st.target_amount - remaining_target

        first_entry = False
    # Add a row to display the remaining target if no purchase orders were found
    if first_entry:
        row = {
            "supplier": st.supplier,
            "amount": st.target_amount,
            "po_number": "",
            "date": "",
            "reqd_by_date": "",
            "item_name": item.item_name,
            "qty_po": "",
            "qty_to_receive": "",
            "total_amount": "",
            "saldo_achievement": "",
            "saldo_target_supplier": remaining_target,
            "balance_target": remaining_target - item.amount,
            "qty_receive": "",
            "amount_receive": "",
            "po_received_percent": "",
            "qty_to_received": "",
            "po_to_received_percent": "",
            "amount_to_receive": ""

    # If no purchase orders found for supplier target, add a row with remaining target
    if not purchase_orders:
        row = {
            "supplier": st.supplier,
            "amount": st.target_amount,
            "po_number": "",
            "date": "",
            "reqd_by_date": "",
            "supplier_name": "",
            "item_name": "",
            "qty_po": "",
            "qty_to_receive": "",
            "total_amount": "",
             "saldo_achievement": "",
            "saldo_target_supplier": remaining_target,
            "balance_target": remaining_target - item.amount,
            "qty_receive": "",
            "amount_receive": "",
            "po_received_percent": "",
            "po_to_received_percent": "",
            "amount_to_receive": ""

return data

def get_supplier_targets(filters):
conditions = get_supplier_target_conditions(filters)

query = """
        supplier, name, target_amount
        `tabSupplier Target`

return frappe.db.sql(query, filters, as_dict=True)

def get_purchase_orders(supplier, filters):
conditions = get_purchase_order_conditions(filters)

query = """
        name, transaction_date, schedule_date, supplier_name, per_received, grand_total, status
        `tabPurchase Order`
        supplier = %(supplier)s

return frappe.db.sql(query, {"supplier": supplier, **filters}, as_dict=True)

def get_purchase_order_items(po_name):
query = “”"
item_name, qty, received_qty, amount
tabPurchase Order Item
parent = %s
return frappe.db.sql(query, (po_name,), as_dict=True)

def get_supplier_target_conditions(filters):
conditions =
if filters.get(“supplier”):
conditions.append(“supplier = %(supplier)s”)

return " AND ".join(conditions) if conditions else "1=1"

def get_purchase_order_conditions(filters):
conditions =
if filters.get(“from_date”) and filters.get(“to_date”):
conditions.append(“transaction_date BETWEEN %(from_date)s AND %(to_date)s”)
return " AND " + " AND ".join(conditions) if conditions else “”

is anyone can help?

Problem was that only the first item of each purchase order was showing up in your report. This happened because the code was set up to add each item’s details outside of a loop that goes through all items. To fix it, move it where the code starts recording item details inside that loop. Each item from every purchase order will be correctly included in your report, showing all items associated with each order.

def get_data(filters):
    data = []
    supplier_targets = get_supplier_targets(filters)

    for st in supplier_targets:
        remaining_target = st.target_amount
        purchase_orders = get_purchase_orders(st.supplier, filters)
        for po in purchase_orders:
            po_items = get_purchase_order_items(
            for item in po_items:
                row = {
                    "supplier": st.supplier,
                    "amount": st.target_amount,
                    "date": po.transaction_date,
                    "reqd_by_date": po.schedule_date,
                    "item_name": item.item_name,
                    "qty_po": item.qty,
                    "qty_to_receive": item.qty,
                    "total_amount": item.amount,
                    "saldo_achievement": item.amount,
                    "saldo_target_supplier": remaining_target,
                    "balance_target": remaining_target - item.amount,
                    "qty_receive": item.received_qty,
                    "amount_receive": (po.per_received / 100) * item.amount,
                    "po_received_percent": po.per_received,
                    "qty_to_received": item.qty - item.received_qty,
                    "po_to_received_percent": ((item.qty - item.received_qty) / item.qty) * 100,
                    "amount_to_receive": ((item.qty - item.received_qty) * item.amount) / item.qty
            remaining_target -= item.amount

        if not purchase_orders:
            row = {
                "supplier": st.supplier,
                "amount": st.target_amount,
                "po_number": "",
                "date": "",
                "reqd_by_date": "",
                "item_name": "",
                "qty_po": "",
                "qty_to_receive": "",
                "total_amount": "",
                "saldo_achievement": "",
                "saldo_target_supplier": remaining_target,
                "balance_target": remaining_target,
                "qty_receive": "",
                "amount_receive": "",
                "po_received_percent": "",
                "qty_to_received": "",
                "po_to_received_percent": "",
                "amount_to_receive": ""
    return data

Code not tested; i just understanding your code and set the structure.

it works, thanks a lot