Custom Script - Erpnext 15

When selecting a route number, only the list of customers associated with that route number should appear.

I have create the custom field on sales invoice. after that what should do.

Hi @Rajkumudu_Rk,

You need to add a custom field in the customer master. This is necessary because you first need to specify the “Cust Route” in the customer profile. Then, when you choose the Cust Route in the sales invoice, the customers related to that route will be displayed using a custom script for overriding link queries.

Thank You!

Thanks for the reply but i need a help becuse i m new to Erpnext.

1st : I have create the custom field on Customer master called Cus Route ( It is Done)

2 nd : I am trying to add that field on Sales invoice . but getting error

In Sales Invoice,
Type: Select and add the option, which you added in customer.

is this correct?

Hi @Rajkumudu_Rk,

Please check it.

Thank You!

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Its Working .Thank you :grinning: