Custom workflow for leave auto approval

I am trying to
Create a custom workflow:

Open (Draft)





and Create a python script that automatically approves requests that are for 30 minutes or less. for the doctype out_of_office with these fields.
Employee ID (Link to Employee)

Departure Time (Time)

Arrival Time (Time)

Request Date (Date)

Reason for departure (Text)

I am having problem in implementing auto approval.

This is my

doc_events = {
“Out of Office”: {
“validate”: “out_of_office.out_of_office.out_of_office.doctype.out_of_office.out_of_office.validate”

This is my doctype →

from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import frappe
from frappe.model.document import Document

class OutOfOffice(Document):
def validate(self):
frappe.logger().info(f"Starting validation for Out of Office request: {}")

    # Ensure departure and arrival times are set
    if not self.departure_time or not self.arrival_time:
        frappe.throw("Both Departure Time and Arrival Time must be specified.")

    # Combine the request date with the departure and arrival times
    departure = datetime.combine(self.request_date, self.departure_time)
    arrival = datetime.combine(self.request_date, self.arrival_time)

    # Log departure and arrival times
    frappe.logger().info(f"Departure Time: {self.departure_time}, Arrival Time: {self.arrival_time}")

    # Validate that arrival time is after departure time
    if arrival <= departure:
        frappe.throw("Arrival Time must be after Departure Time.")

    # Calculate the duration
    duration = arrival - departure
    frappe.logger().info(f"Duration: {duration}")

    # Set is_short_duration if the duration is less than 30 minutes
    if duration < timedelta(minutes=30):
        frappe.logger().info(f"Duration is less than 30 minutes, setting workflow_state to 'Auto Approve'")
        self.is_short_duration = 1
        self.workflow_state = 'Auto Approve'
        self.docstatus = 1  # Set document status to Submitted

        # Apply workflow transition to "Approved"
        self.workflow_state = 'Approved'
        frappe.logger().info(f"Setting workflow_state to 'Approved' and saving the document.")
        frappe.logger().info(f"Duration is greater than or equal to 30 minutes, setting is_short_duration to 0.")
        self.is_short_duration = 0

And the error I am facing is import error:out_of_office and many different errors. Could you please help me with what is the right way for auto approving the out of office leave using conditioned workflow.