Creat customer shipping address as default , with address line 1 = customer name
Hi @Franco_Fadini,
create or edit the address template to put the customer name on line 1
just add the customer_name in address template
{{ customer_name }}<br> {{ address_line1 }}<br> {% if address_line2 %}{{ address_line2 }}<br>{% endif -%} {{ city }}<br> {% if state %}{{ state }}<br>{% endif -%} {% if pincode %}{{ pincode }}<br>{% endif -%} {{ country }}<br> {% if phone %}Phone: {{ phone }}<br>{% endif -%} {% if fax %}Fax: {{ fax }}<br>{% endif -%} {% if email_id %}Email: {{ email_id }}<br>{% endif -%}
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