Customer Addresses in shopping cart

As a customer, when I add item to my cart and I would like to proceed to the purchase, there is not addresses and if I click to add a new one, I dont have the add new button.

Still as a website user, If I go in my account/addresses I have the button to add a new address. After I filled up the form, I added a Success confirmation webpage that I get but there is no addresses added for this customer.

What I’m I doing wrong?



In the Address master, did you check “For Billing” or “For Shipping”? Can you please share screenshot indicating an error message?

Yes I checked For billing and shipping.

As you can see, in my cart, i have no addresses so I click to add one but I dont have the new address button. If I go to the my account, then adresses, I have access to the button but after I get the Address added successfully, Addresses is still empty…

I juste noticed that that the addresses that I added are present in selling, address but they are not linked to the customer because the website user is not a customer…

Same thing for me. I am not sure what I am missing.
Could it be related to this?

I did enter a github issue here.

you need to check/select on the address boxes.

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OOhhh man … I feel so silly.
Thank you very much.

That said, once the first address is entered, can’t it be ticked by default? I imagine (well I hope :wink: I won’t be the only one struggling here.

Thanks again, it was bugging me for the last past week and could not figure it out!

I have all most the same problem, if a new user/customer will register and add an addresse the form field of Country is not there. but one error message asked for the country field!! I become this error message > Message Could not find Country: None, Customer: None, Supplier: None, Sales Partner: None, Lead: None

Thanks in advance for your help

I have a similar problem. Did you resolve it?
I see country but it is empty.
What could be wrong here?