Customer name not picked up from Sales Order to Purchase Request

Dear Sir

After submitting the Sales Order, when I try to make a Purchase Request/Purchase Order/Purchase Invoice, the customer name is not picked up from Sales Order and shown in any of these forms (Purchase Request or Purchase Order or Purchase Invoice).

In absence of the above, it is difficult to correlate Sales and Purchase.

Would appreciate any input on this.

Thank you

Dear Mr. Varghese,

Purchase Request / Order can be made against multiple Sales Order. Those Sales Order can be from various customer. Hence system not pull customer detail but just Sales Order no. in Purchase Request / Order.

You can always refer to Sales Order no. tagged in Purchase Request /Order for Customers detail.

Thanks and Regards,

Umair Sayyed

On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 2:29 PM, mtv <> wrote:
Dear Sir

After submitting the Sales Order, when I try to make a Purchase Request/Purchase Order/Purchase Invoice, the customer name is not picked up from Sales Order and shown in any of these forms (Purchase Request or Purchase Order or Purchase Invoice).

In absence of the above, it is difficult to correlate Sales and Purchase.

Would appreciate any input on this.

Thank you