Customer naming series is not working

customer’s naming series no longer works.
the new customers are not named. I set the namig series both in the customer doctype and in the settings but nothing works

Undo changes you did to customer doctype for naming series and try again. Also name field will change, the list view will continue to show “Full Name”

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It would help if you describe:

what was working before.
what did you change.
what is happening now.

the more details, the faster you can get support here…


I have reset the doctype more than once and have tried every way I know of indicating the naming series. nothing works

Yes, i know i should give more indications, the problem is that it stopped working overnight without me having touched anything.
I’m not the only one using the system but other users just insert new items.
before customers were nominated with the MC-CL.YY.####. series and everything worked beautifully.
Since yesterday when I create a new client he just doesn’t take the name of the series and the space where it should be written remains empty.

As i said above i tried to change how the series is set but nothing changes. customer is the only doctype where this thing happens (at least among the ones I’ve tried for now)

how can i remove all changes of a doctype?
is there any way to reset it?

you should check “selling settings” doctype there is a field for the default customer naming i changed it to naming series and all worked well after hours of searching of course