How can I add comments below description also I need to remove a column (discount) and need to adjust size of a column (amount) because it comes in two lines.
How can I add comments below description also I need to remove a column (discount) and need to adjust size of a column (amount) because it comes in two lines.
I would look at following resources for customization
I would also look at related discussion: Customize Table in Print Format
Hope this helps
thank you, I need to add any comments( ex: mfg date ) below the item description. please see my image uploaded. i believe it can do by customizing sales quote item.
Thank you, i added the company logo with th help of your video, however i am unable to allign properly when add add other details. i need to add company address and contact details right side of the logo.
You can write your comments in the item description itself.
i tried it, but it is not coming in print. also every time i need to go the stock item field to add comment it will be easy if i can add a data field just below description of each item.
that will be an unnecessary effort.
can you reload via CTRL + Shift + R and try the print format again.
If it still does not happen, check what field is being fetched in the Description column. I suspect it could be the Item name
thanks mate …all worked well.
In print format builder look for item table and un check the columns which you don’t want to display in the print.
This should help and its very simple but please follow the print format builder tutorial carefully.