Customised Print Format

Hi, I would like to add the company address, contact details to the print format.

<table class='header-table' >
            <td width=15%><table width=100% cellspacing=0><tbody>

{% for page in layout %}

{% if letter_head and not no_letterhead %}
{{ letter_head }}

{% endif %}

{% endfor %}
            <td><table width=100% cellspacing=0><tbody>
                    <td width=40%><b>{{ doc.get_formatted("letter_head") }}</b></td>

                   <td width=40%><b>                       {% set company_setup_doc = frappe.get_doc("Company Setup", company_setup) %}

                   {{ company_setup_doc.address }}</b></td>
                   <td width=40%><b>{{doc.get_formatted ("doc.phone_no")}}</b></td>
                   <td width=40%><b>{{doc.get_formatted ("doc.fax")}}</b></td>
                   <td width=40%><b>{{doc.get_formatted ("")}}</b></td>


Your company’s?

Best to add that in the Letter Head or Terms