Can the system generated password be used for User signup for the first time in ERPNext?
To do so, how can I customize the Registration Email? Anybody know where that code is placed?
Yes, the system does send an email when a new user is registered.
As far as customization is concern the code is written in:
<h3>{{ title }}</h3>
<p>{{_("Dear")}} {{ first_name }}{% if last_name %} {{ last_name}}{% endif %},</p>
<p>{{_("A new account has been created for you at {0}").format(site_url)}}.</p>
<p>{{_("Your login id is")}}: <b>{{ user }}</b>
<p>{{_("Click on the link below to complete your registration and set a new password")}}.</p>
<p><b><a href="{{ link }}">{{_("Complete Registration")}}</a></b></p>
<p>{{_("Thank you")}},<br>
{{ user_fullname }}</p>
<p style="font-size: 85%;">{{_("You can also copy-paste this link in your browser")}} <a href="{{ link }}">{{ link }}</a></p>
Thanks for sharing this.
but if I make the changes in this file it will get overwritten once the bench get updated!
Can I put my new Template in my App and call it by hooks?
If is it possiple How I can do that?
Hi @Mohammed_Redha
I really don’t know the exact answer of this question but can tell you at some extent.
Write a code in hooks.py
For example:
doc_events = {
'BOM': {
'onload': ['library.folder_scriptss.get_bom_detail'],
'before_save': ['library.folder_scriptss.del_bom_detail'],
'before_submit': ['library.folder_scriptss.del_bom_detail']
The fight here is I don’t know exactly which even will be used and on which doctype.
And then you can write your html code in your PY. In this case file will be
Ruchin Sharma