customize an data import button and processing data

I am trying to create an data import button to attendance list

and i want to write python script that processing data from excel file like this

to data import list in erpnext

anyone know how to do this?

add the button, and customize the below python code as per your requirement

# removing empty employee 
import pandas as pd

# Read the original Excel file
df = pd.read_excel('/home/rajat/Desktop/feb attendance myginne egp/Att. data 26 Jul - 6 Aug.xlsx')

# Select relevant columns
new_df = df[['AC-No.', 'Clock In', 'Clock Out','Date']]

# Convert the date format to Day/Month/Year
# new_df['Date'] = '11/03/2024'
# new_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(new_df['Date'], format='%Y/%m/%d').dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
new_df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(new_df['Date']).dt.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')

# Employee ID dictionary
employee_id_dict = {'3': 'HR-EMP-00071', '4': 'HR-EMP-00035', '7': 'HR-EMP-00042', '9':'HR-EMP-00050', '12': 'HR-EMP-00020',
                    '14': 'HR-EMP-00011', '16':'HR-EMP-00049', '17': 'HR-EMP-00061', '18': 'HR-EMP-00084', '19': 'HR-EMP-00019', '20': 'HR-EMP-00058',
                    '21': 'HR-EMP-00070', '22':'HR-EMP-00010', '23': 'HR-EMP-00009', '24': 'HR-EMP-00034', '25': 'HR-EMP-00032', '26': 'HR-EMP-00026',
                    '28': 'EMP-00054', '80': 'HR-EMP-00017', '103': 'HR-EMP-00039', '104': 'HR-EMP-00040', '150': 'HR-EMP-00036', '1001': 'HR-EMP-00018',
                    '1004': 'HR-EMP-00016', '10001': 'HR-EMP-00053', '100001': 'HR-EMP-00103', '100002': 'HR-EMP-00048', '150002': 'HR-EMP-00001', '150042': 'HR-EMP-00056',
                    '150080': 'HR-EMP-00046', '151929': 'HR-EMP-00106', '151953': 'HR-EMP-00051', '151979': 'HR-EMP-00045', '100105':'HR-EMP-00069','100051':'HR-EMP-00041', 
                    '100101':'HR-EMP-00062', '100103':'HR-EMP-00065', '100104':'HR-EMP-00066', '100100':'HR-EMP-00057', '79':'HR-EMP-00079', '81':'HR-EMP-00081', '83':'HR-EMP-00082', 
                    '100051':'HR-EMP-00041', '83':'HR-EMP-00083', '85':'HR-EMP-00085', '150003':'HR-EMP-00059', '73':'HR-EMP-00088', '98':'HR-EMP-00098',

# Create an empty DataFrame for the log entries
log_entries_df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Employee', 'Device ID', 'time', 'Log Type'])

# Iterate through rows and extract log entries
for index, row in new_df.iterrows():
    employee_id = employee_id_dict.get(str(row['AC-No.']), '')  # Get employee ID from dictionary
    new_clock_in = row['Clock In']
    new_clock_out = row['Clock Out']
    if pd.isna(new_clock_in) and pd.isna(new_clock_out):
    if new_clock_in != 0 and pd.isna(new_clock_out):
        new_clock_out = '18:00'
    if pd.isna(new_clock_in) and new_clock_out != 0:
        new_clock_in = '09:30'
    # Check if both "New Clock In" and "New Clock Out" are not 0
    if new_clock_in != 0 and new_clock_out != 0:
        log_entries_df.loc[len(log_entries_df)] = [employee_id, row['AC-No.'], f"{row['Date']} {new_clock_in}:00", 'IN']
        log_entries_df.loc[len(log_entries_df)] = [employee_id, row['AC-No.'], f"{row['Date']} {new_clock_out}:00", 'OUT']

# Filter out rows where the "Employee" field is empty
log_entries_df = log_entries_df[log_entries_df['Employee'] != '']

# Write the new DataFrame to a new Excel file
log_entries_df.to_excel('attendance_date_26_06_august.xlsx', index=False)

i use this code to format my excel into the erpnext format, then upload it manually
maybe something helps from here

thank you very much, but do you know where to place this python code? I only know how to create button with client scirpt

Let say you have a doctype A in which you added a button through js code.
that doctype has a .py file also, you will write their
ask chatgpt it will help you further

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