Customize form - how to move an input

how to move a input of place in form customization, i can only move of place the inputs that i creat. in older versions this was possible.

i wnat on invoice to ask me the contact person of the customer. in firsts inputs.
i have customer, customer address, and i need one more for customer contact person

need to be more descriptive? this feature was able in older versions, i just go to form customization, and drag and drop the input in where ever i would like to put it.

there is someone that can help me?

With the recent updates the ability to move “STANDARD” fields is not there in the customize form view, however you can still move the “CUSTOM” fields.

If you need the standard fields to be moved then CREATE a github issue for the same so that the change is applicable to all the users.

Now if your need is just not great for moving the fields then the team might not move the fields.

We removed the ability to rearrange forms from 6.26.