Customize General ledger report

I see that there have two feature in every report page.

  1. Filters and 2) data in tabular format.

But we need another label and multi tabular data in one report.
Like as

There have cash and capital label and two table under this label.
Is it possible?

hi @arif,
please see this linkks


Hi @sagar,

May be you don’t understand my question.
In ERPNext for every report we see two things: 1) filters and 2) table.

We need more things. We need multi table in one report and extra text/label.

Hi @arif

What exactly you have done for this issue?
For adding extra label and text in tabular and filter?

I want to extra label and text outside of tabular and filter.

Hi @arif! I beleive you can have this form when you customize using Jinja. link

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@arif! you can add .html file in the report along with the .js and .py files.

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you can add .html file in the report along with the .js and .py files.

I tried this, the html is not reflecting, still taking contents from js and py.


Please refer general ledger report html as it is using java script templating language.