Customize page redirection in Salary Slip

i want that when i click any of the three salary slip, it should redirect to page where print format of salary slip is their (basically the print page)
or i want that only pdf is shown to employee.

example : 1) let say i click one of salary slip

  1. i redirect to this page

  2. but i want to redirect directly to below page

basically the url from
this →
to this →

Anyone know the solution, please help
open to any suggestion

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Hi @Rajat96318,

Please apply the code and reload and check it.

frappe.listview_settings["Salary Slip"] = {
	onload: function(listview) {
		if (!has_common(frappe.user_roles, ["Administrator", "System Manager", "HR Manager", "HR User"])) return;"Email Salary Slips"), () => {
			if (!listview.get_checked_items().length) {
				frappe.msgprint(__("Please select the salary slips to email"));

			frappe.confirm(__("Are you sure you want to email the selected salary slips?"), () => {

	button: {
		show: function (doc) {
		get_label: function () {
			return __("View", null, "Access");
		get_description: function (doc) {
			return __("Open {0}", [`${__(}: ${doc.employee}`]);
		action: function (doc) {"/app/print/Salary Slip/";

please click on View then open the print preview.


We’ve just inserted the button code. In the onload method, it’s the default code for the salary slip, so let’s leave it there.

I hope this helps.

Thank You!


@NCP Thank you for your reply much appreciated, the solution is one step towards my requirement.
i have done what you told, but i want when i click the view button the pdf is opened directly.

like the should redirect to pdf url.
my pdf url is “{}&_lang=en

but the above one is hard coded, how do i change such that the pdf opens directly.
Something like this i guess : /app/print/Salary Slip/"

Please open the PDF, check the URL, and set it according to the scenario.

Yes i am doing the same

but not able to decode it{}&format=Payslip%20myginne%20india&no_letterhead=0&letterhead=Myginne&settings=&_lang=en

the {} is not fetching
Help, thank you for your fast response
what am i doing wrong

Why use curly brackets?

Please check it.

"start_url""&format ......"

Thank You!

1 Like“/api/method/frappe.utils.print_format.download_pdf?doctype=Salary%20Slip&name=” + + “&format=Payslip%20myginne%20india&no_letterhead=0&letterhead=Myginne&settings=%7B%7D&_lang=en”);

yeah found just now
its second step done, thank you man

Now their is one more problem, i have two print format. Let say A & B
Currently i have hard coded for one
How can i do, such that when clicked employee sees his salary slip format.
I think i have to do something more, can you tell how can i do this

At that moment, you need to make a custom field called “print format name” and adjust it in the URL based on the chosen print format. So, if you pick print format A for a Salary Slip, it will display print format A.

1 Like

Yeah just as i thought.
Thank you for helping me in this task, i owe you man.

@NCP , i am stuck in a process which i thought, can you tell i am doing correct or something is wrong

this is my url :“/api/method/frappe.utils.print_format.download_pdf?doctype=Salary%20Slip&name=” + + “&format=Payslip%20Myginne%20” + + “&no_letterhead=0&letterhead=Myginne&settings=%7B%7D&_lang=en”);

i opened a country field in Salary slip which is either India/Egypt.
since the print format naming of both country is approx same except country name
India - Payslip Myginne India
Egypt - Payslip Myginne Egypt

Therefore i thought to change url like above.
Can you tell what is wrong

Please check the url, url-parameter, and your field name. It’s a minor mistake. try to find and solve it.

@NCP, i have tried all

Below is the steps i did

  1. added a country field (type : data) in Salary structure
  2. added a country field (type : data) in Salary Slip, and added fetch from to :
  3. url change in code :“/api/method/frappe.utils.print_format.download_pdf?doctype=Salary%20Slip&name=” + + “&format=PaySlip%20Myginne%20”“&no_letterhead=0&letterhead=Myginne&settings=%7B%7D&_lang=en”);

when i click on view button the Standard Slip of erpnext is shown.
with this url :{}&_lang=en

Payslip%20Myginne%20undefined : this undefined is coming
u can see in below ss, India is present

what am i doing wrong, Help :frowning:
can’t find the solution by this approach, i think i am very close to solution but can’t find it

first thing, the country should not be set in the URL. Please check the default URL and match it.

@NCP, yes i know in default url their is no country field

default url :{}&_lang=en

but i want to manipulate the url such that
changes to format=PaySlip%20Myginne%20""

simply fetching the field value from salary slip.

i found out that doing, doc.employee etc fetches the value, i tried below code to test

but, doing, doc.total_working_days etc, don’t fetch value as etc does

why so?
does that mean i can’t do with this approach
can you help me with one test on your local for this problem
i will be thankful man

@NCP, i resolved the issue
this is updated js code

frappe.listview_settings[“Salary Slip”] = {
onload: function(listview) {
if (!has_common(frappe.user_roles, [“Administrator”, “System Manager”, “HR Manager”, “HR User”])) return;"Email Salary Slips"), () => {
		if (!listview.get_checked_items().length) {
			frappe.msgprint(__("Please select the salary slips to email"));

		frappe.confirm(__("Are you sure you want to email the selected salary slips?"), () => {

button: {
	show: function (doc) {
	get_label: function () {
		return __("View", null, "Access");
	get_description: function (doc) {
		return __("Open {0}", [`${__(}: ${doc.employee}`]);

	action: function (doc) {{
            method: 'erpnext.payroll.doctype.salary_slip.salary_slip.get_employee_country',
            args: {
                employee_id: doc.employee
            callback: function(r) {
                var country = r.message;
                var encodedCountry = encodeURIComponent(country);
      "/api/method/frappe.utils.print_format.download_pdf?doctype=Salary%20Slip&name=" + + "&format=PaySlip%20Myginne%20" + encodedCountry + "&no_letterhead=0&letterhead=Myginne&settings=%7B%7D&_lang=en");


this is the python code

import frappe

def get_employee_country(employee_id):
employee = frappe.get_doc(“Employee”, employee_id)

i fetched the country(custom field) from the employee doctype, so that my url is changed accordingly.