Customize or status_map


I would like to customize with an app the Quotation statuses.
After some search I understand the main file to alter status is erpnext/erpnext/controllers/ with the status_map variable.

My idea is to override the status_map to add a new status in Quotation part :

        "Quotation": [
		["Draft", None],
		["Open", "eval:self.docstatus==1"],
		["Lost", "eval:self.status=='Lost'"],
		["Won", "eval:self.status=='Won'"],
		["Ordered", "has_sales_order"],
		["Cancelled", "eval:self.docstatus==2"],

Could it be possible to override this or only the status_map in custom frappe app ?


Hello, Did you got any solution for how to override status updater file ?

Please let me know.

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Have you found any solution?
I am facing same issue

I didn’t found a solution in 2020, I don’t know if it’s possible today. Sorry.