Customize website's job application form

Hi all. I’m trying to customize the job application form that is filled up on the website when a job offer is published. Please note that this is not the same job application form that appears inside of the HR module (which we already customized) but rather the “public” one accessible from the website.

Is there a specific DocType we need to tweak?

Thanks in advance,

Did you get solution for this? I’m also facing same issue. Please let me know if you’ve any fixes.

Thanks in advance!

I finally understood how this works. In ERPNext v15 the job application form that pops up when someone applies to a job opening is a web form that comes built into the system (called “standard” web form). This form is read-only so the solution involves the following steps:

  1. Create a new, custom web form with all the fields you need. Make sure to set “Job Applicant” as DocType so that when the form is filled up, it triggers the creation of this particular DocType.
  2. Create the job opening, enable “Publish on website” checkbox, which will enable the “Job application route” field.
  3. Configure the job opening’s route to use the route of your custom web form (look for the “route” field in your web form).

Bonus: if you decide to accept resumes as actual attachments, be warned that by default, non-authenticated users won’t be allowed to upload attachments. If you decided to allow guest (i.e. non-authenticated) attachments/uploads you can toggle the “Allow Guests to Upload Files” in ERPNext’s System Settings.